Action Points are the meat of any scenario. This is where most of the actions the party will encounter are scripted.
Each Action Point consists of two basic parts:
Part 1 holds information that dictates the percent chance the Action Point will be activated each time the party walks over it. Most often this value will either be 0 or 100.
It also holds the location of the party after the Action Point has finished executing. In the example above, after the codes have finished executing, the party will be moved to Land Level 5 and an X:21 Y: 5 position. If this happens to be the same location as the Action Point itself then, of course, they will not actually appear to go anywhere. However, this is how you can have caves lead to other areas of the map, other land levels, into a castle, or whatever you wish.
Part 2 of the Action Point contains the actual script that controls what takes place when the party walks on the Action Point. Each Action Point is broken down into 8 steps. Each step contains a CODE and an ID that will execute one action.
Figure 3.1 (Part 2)
Example: Code 1 is the code to display a string. In the example above, the party would walk onto this Action Point causing the script to begin executing. Code 1 would display string ID 251.
Some Codes take only one additional piece of information for them to do their job. Display string is one such example. The one piece of information needed is the number of the string to display.
Other codes however may require more information than just a single number can provide. In this case we attach Extra Codes (E-Codes) . The Extra Codes (E-Codes) can hold up to 5 numbers. Because of this we can describe in more detail what action needs to be done. When a code has an Extra Codes (E-Codes) attached to it, an asterisk * is displayed to the right of the ID.
Example: Code 2 is the code that activates a battle. You might think that all we need to do is specify the ID of the battle. Not so. You have many options as to the type and nature of the battle. To be so specific may take several pieces of information. The E-Codes, as shown below, list all the information that describes a battle.
Code 2: Battle
ID: Extra Codes ID
Use: Send party to combat.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Battle Number: Low Battle Number for Range Battle
2) High Battle Number for Range Battle
3) Sound to play before battle. (Optional)
4) String to display before battle. (Optional)
5) Treasure award status.
The best method of learning how to create some of these codes may be in the seeing and doing. For that reason I have included a scenario called TUTORIAL that has almost every code demonstrated. That way you will be able to see what codes produce what effects. In addition, I have included the City of Bywater scenario in a version that you can view via Divinity. You can use the Tutorial and City of Bywater as working examples on how to do many of these codes.
Mastering the creation of Action Points may seem like a complex task, but it's far easier than it first appears. (Thank the makers!)